What time should my child go to bed?


As a new parent, I remember struggling with the question “What time should my child go to bed?”. Trying to figure out a good bedtime for our newborn was so hard. We would change bedtimes, guessing to see what would work best. As with many questions around our babies and children, there is no set answer for what time your child should go to bed. If there is a general answer, I think it would be at whatever time will allow your child to get the amount of sleep they need while also waking up at a time that works for your family. I know this may sound confusing, so let’s talk about it more.

What time should my child go to bed?

It really depends on your child’s age and nap schedule, so there is a range of suggested bedtimes. Also, every child and family is different, so if you have a bedtime that is outside of these recommendations and it is working well for your family, I wouldn’t say that you need to change it. 

Newborn bedtime:

Newborns are just adjusting to life outside the womb, and their bodies aren’t run by their circadian rhythm yet. They also tend to need more frequent feedings and will be taking more frequent naps. Due to these factors, many families will find that a later bedtime works best for their newborn. For newborns, anywhere from 7-9:30 pm tends to work for bedtime.

4-6 months:

At this age, babies can stay awake a little longer and are taking slightly fewer naps. Depending on their daytime schedule, anywhere from 6:30-8 pm will be an ideal bedtime.

7-9 months:

Babies at this age have often transitioned to three naps and will also begin the transition to two naps, so there are some changes happening in their daytime schedule. Based on this, there is a slightly larger range for bedtime with the recommendation for between 6-8 pm.

10-18 months:

Now our babies are generally consistently on a two nap schedule and often have slightly less day sleep. Most babies at this age do best with a bedtime between 6:30-7:30, though some little ones this age may need bedtime as early as 6 pm depending on their naps for the day.

18 months and up

At this age our babies are becoming toddlers and typically are taking just one nap and again are getting a little less day sleep. They are also becoming more active. Based on this, a slightly earlier bedtime tends to be best between 6-7:30 pm.

3 years and up:

When our little ones are no longer napping, they may again need an even earlier bedtime. You may find that the ideal bedtime will fall between 6-7/7:30 pm.

Once our kids are school aged you will find they often start to need less sleep and can manage a later bedtime. 

I didn’t believe that my 4 year old would need to go to bed so early! She seemed fine staying up until 7:30/8:00, however when I really paid attention I noticed our afternoons were often a struggle until bedtime. We gradually shifted her bedtime earlier, until we started her bedtime routine at 6:00. Our bedtime routine is so much easier, and she would actually ask to go to bed, which she had never done before. 

It took me becoming a sleep consultant to figure out what the ideal bedtime was for my daughter. I was surprised at how early bedtime needed to be, and I was surprised at what a difference adjusting bedtime made.

It’s so important to remember that every child and family is different.

Your child may have a different nap schedule, or your family may have different needs. I know for many working families, that a super early bedtime isn’t possible and that is okay. These are all just suggestions, and you and your child may need something different. If your child’s bedtime falls outside of these suggested times, as long as it works for you and your child then that is okay! If you are struggling with the question of what time should my child go to bed, and would like some support, click the button below to schedule your free Discovery Call today!

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